Water features are back in fashion again: we’re not really sure that they ever went out of fashion in the first place! If you have a great water feature in your outdoor space, don’t let its greatness stop there. Water features can become a central feature to the rest of the garden – and they can even be a great way to attract critters and creatures to the rest of your garden. Here’s how to find the best landscaping plants to complement your water feature, and just what to do with them for the best effect possible.
Landscaping Plants to Complement Your Water Feature
Why Water Features Need Plants
A water feature with plants is more aesthetically pleasing, but it also adds to the overall health of your garden. Gardens and water features that have plants are more likely to create an ecosystem that attracts healthy bugs and birds to your garden throughout the year.
A well-planned water feature isn’t just for looks or showing off. It’s all about keeping your garden healthy.
Consider Your Type of Water Feature
Water features come in two sizes, small and big.
Small water features can be used to your advantage, just like bigger ones can look beautiful. Consider your type of water feature first, and choose plants that won’t swallow the rest of your water feature in their foliage. Choose plants that will naturally use the shape of your water feature for the best results.
Attracting the Best Bugs
Bees, ladybugs, and frogs are the type of critters that you want to find in your garden. Use absolutely no pesticides near your water feature, and make sure that the water is regularly circulated and cleaned. Sometimes rain can fill up water features on your behalf, but it’s also a good idea to check the water supply yourself.
Plant colorful flowers to attract bees and ladybugs, and don’t drown your water feature in light if you want to make sure bugs are friendly when they visit.
Moss Loves Water
One of the best companion plants to include in the landscaping around your water feature is moss.
Moss is easy to grow, with the transplantation of moss from one place to another taking just a few minutes. Regular watering and the right base environment (with some soil or rock for the moss to cling to), make most types of moss flourish
Moss loves water and grows fine near (or even inside) a water fountain.
Ivy Compliments Anything
Climbing ivy plants have more than ten different types, whereas false ivy plants branch out into more than twenty different varieties. Ivy plants will grow better on the outside of your fountain, though might make an excellent addition. What could look better than covering natural stone in beautiful, climbing ivy plants?
Antler Country Landscaping Omaha
Antler Country Landscaping was incorporated in 1997 and over the years has grown to offer professional landscape services, lawn care, and outdoor living spaces. Our mission is to enhance your outdoor experience. Contact us to learn more about our Omaha landscaping services.