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What Damage can Inappropriate Ice Melt Cause to Your Lawn?

Winter months are here and snow is on the ground with the thought of more heading our direction soon, but what damage can be caused to your lawn from using inappropriate ice melt? As the snow and ice melts later this winter, you may notice brown strips of grass along the edges of your sidewalks and driveway where ice melt may have been used.

As you can assume, ice melt contains rock salt sodium chloride but it can vary by different products from ice melt to road salt to rock salt to ice melter. All of these ice melting products have the opportunity to damage your lawn if they are used in large amounts over the winter, especially if snow is continuously pushed onto your lawn while you are clearing your sidewalks and driveway.

But how can you fix the damage you may be asking yourself? Melting snow and spring rain will often flush the accumulated salts from the product you used, but recovering could take up to 8 weeks. With increasing temperature, the recovery time will also increase. If the damage does not get better after 8 weeks it is probably time to reseed that section of your grass. For more information, contact us today!

Antler Country Landscaping Omaha

Antler Country Landscaping was incorporated in 1997 and over the years has grown to offer professional landscape services, lawn care, and outdoor living spaces. Our mission is to enhance your outdoor experience. Contact us to learn more about our Omaha landscaping services.